
Pocket Coach Grey

Wait... One Last Thing, I Promise

Get Yourself a Softcopy of the Pocket Coach Deck As Well

POCKET COACH in eBook Format

PDF version of the eBook, view on your mobile, tablet and laptop.

You can even make digital notes on the PDF!

What You Will Get

80 pages of beautifully design Pocket Coach E-Book

This offer is only for today, don’t miss out this opportunity

eBook at RM 3 Only

I wanted to share my teachings in a more affordable and accessible way. My in person workshops are usually $1,999 + travel expenses. But my students can now access the best of my content when ever they want and where ever they want.

Master the art of presentation skills as soon as possible.

There’s no need to wait and pay more.

Order today and save.

Love + Respect 

Alfred Netto

PS – Remember by ordering today you are getting a huge discount. There’s no need to pay more. Order now and save

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